China threatens with aviation, North Korea with drones, Russia attacks with missiles

2 years ago

News: December 26, 2022
- China threatens with aviation, North Korea with drones, Russia attacks with missiles -


Or maybe: The triangle of evil that emerges in Eurasia checks the security systems of Western countries' air zones at a time when everyone in European culture is busy with family Christmas. China is violating Taiwan's air and sea space. North Korea is violating South Korean airspace. Russia is demolishing Ukrainian cities and destroying social infrastructure. Don't all these events seem coordinated and calculated to test the armies of the rest of the world? Time is not random? Coordination of activities in 3 theaters also seems not accidental. It is possible that China ordered military maneuvers to test the Taiwanese air force. North Korea and Russia are joining these efforts. This represents the future terrain of possible military maneuvers. In all of this, the US blizzard is starting to look like an unnatural phenomenon or an attempt to use natural weather anomalies to test the NATO leader while he is preoccupied with internal problems of social and energy infrastructure. It looks like a great test of allied forces.

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