1 year ago

Whistleblower joins Maria Zeee to explain how US Department of Defence is the weapon of the depopulation agenda, detailing how they legally got away with this under Obama, Trump, Biden Administrations and all other “regulators” simply paid actors. - Breaking: Department of Defense controlled Covid19 “vaccines” from start under National Security Program, lied entire time, were never “safe and effective”Whistleblower joins Maria Zeee to explain how US Department of Defence is the weapon of the depopulation agenda, detailing how they legally got away with this under Obama, Trump, Biden Administrations and all other “regulators” simply paid actors. - Breaking: Department of Defense controlled Covid19 “vaccines” from start under National Security Program, lied entire time, were never “safe and effective”: https://tinyurl.com/y4u87hsk (full url below)

Masonic Temple: Gateway To The Underworld - Parliament House Australia 666: https://www.bitchute.com/video/acPClm6zw0Ca/

Australian Satanist Deathbed Confession “Upper Intelligence Agencies creating a Satanic theocracy”: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cxTUkHNmeRmt/

There’s NO democracy! because Upper Level of Intelligence Agencies control Governments of the Service Corporation for SATAN on Earth who’s the head of their Service Corporation: https://www.googlesightseeing.com/maps?p=430&c=&ll=-35.308117,149.124277&spn=0.010192,0.012360&t=k&hl=en/

Ricardo Delgado – Bioestadistico: Analysis of a single drop of the Pfizer "vaccine" Dec 26, 2022.: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IHb2KCn4tVn1/

DR Andreas Noack was murdered after his video exposed graphene hydroxide in the covid vaccine: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0mybpauVvUBe/

Counter-Terrorism Teams deployed against Peaceful Australians labelled as "Conspiracy Theorists": https://www.bitchute.com/video/a4RBZnYsH1bC/

All Agendas on Earth after 1970 Invoking are in defiance to Creation, because Intelligence Agencies, Military, Governments are accountable through 1970 Invoking after I, as a Navy Diver withdrew from the game after clandestine act under age when they violated the authority of signed law document - referred to as the authority of the god’s document under the Commonwealth of Australia and its Constitution and they were already accountable for alien technology in me, on Australian soil and on Earth as my ct-scan shows on my: https://harold-holt.net/ website along with all my affidavits of evidence I hold.

W.H.O. plans to create Regional Directors!!... and more, a Digital Prison Is being built around you: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bBmYtxn1B8Us/

Land Downunder: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Elv7JVjBNhCf/


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