"AVE MARIA, MAI PIU' LA GUERRA (2)" (Bilingual) by Beppe Cantarelli & Millennium Choir

2 years ago

From the upcoming album "RENAISSANCE" on Rap Opera Records U.S.A. (http://www.beppecantarelli.com/erenaissance.html) by BEPPE CANTARELLI featuring such guests as lead soprano BRENDA STRONG & THE MILLENNIUM CHOIR, r&b singer SILVIA QUERCI, soprano ROSSANA POTENZA, virtuoso harmonica player TOLLAK OLLESTAD. Several tracks of this album-collection, such as "AVE MARIA, MAI PIU' LA GUERRA (HAIL MARY, LET THERE BE NO MORE WAR)", were composed by Beppe Cantarelli for his dear fellow citizen & mentor, tenor CARLO BERGONZI. This composition was also inspired by a famous prayer by POPE JOHN PAUL II during the Kosovo War, when he got off the helicopter and knelt, kissing the earth, then uttered the now famous phrase: "GUERRA... MAI PIU' LA GUERRA!", "WAR... LET THERE BE NO MORE WAR!"

music & lyric by BEPPE CANTARELLI
© 2000 Shiva Diva Super Music, Los Angeles (ASCAP)
(p) 2000 Rap Opera Records U.S.A. and BJR & SCC Music Enterprises Ltd., London, U.K.

- tenor & piano by BEPPE CANTARELLI, recorded live at "HIGHLANDER STUDIO" (Hollywood Hills, California) on January 7, 2000
- MILLENNIUM CHOIR recorded at HIGHLANDER STUDIO (Hollywood Hills, California) on January 27, 2000
- orchestrated & conducted by BEPPE CANTARELLI
- mixed & mastered by ROB CHRISTIE & BEPPE CANTARELLI at "CAPITOL STUDIOS" (Hollywood Hills, California)

- video produced by U.C.U.B. Productions, Los Angeles

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