Airbus Giant Plane was Fuelled by Cooking Oil, Sustainable Fuel.

2 years ago

In this video, we're going to take a look at the Airbus Giant Plane, which was fuelled by cooking oil. This is a truly sustainable fuel, and it's amazing how this technology has evolved over the years.

If you're interested in aviation, or you just want to learn more about sustainable fuels, then this video is for you! We'll take a look at the Airbus Giant Plane and discuss how cooking oil was used to power it. This is a fascinating and innovative technology, and I'm sure you'll enjoy learning about it!

Airbus Giant Plane A380 was Fuelled by Cooking Oil, Sustainable aviation Fuel (SAF)
process could sustainably fuel planes, ships and road haulage.
Sustainable aviation fuels are a key part of the industry’s plans to decarbonize.
Scientists have developed a way to make carbon-neutral jet fuel for hard-to-electrify heavy transport using sunlight and air.
#airbus #fuel #sustainable #a380 #zeroemissions #innovation

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