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August 31, 2022 🇺🇸 JESUS CHRIST SAYS... Obedience to Me out of Love is your greatest Protection 1/3
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Obedience to Me out of Love is your greatest Protection
Household of God Volume 1 – Chapter 69:8-12
(Revealed by Jesus thru Jakob Lorber)
69,8. “Just as God is for us only God in the love and our most loving, holy Father, we too can become His children only by love. God’s union with His love is like the obedience. If we with our forward intellect obey the perceived demands of the spirit and thereby unite the light with love we become children of love, full of wisdom and God’s goodwill, and children full of eternal life.
69,9. “Now look, dear children, when you through your forward intellect became unfaithful to the innermost love out of God within you, you became disobedient in your soul, your sanctuary, and to the love in God. Then your love withdrew and you lived only in your soul striving for expansion (to infinity, if that were possible). Now judge for yourselves and tell me what would be more solid: a mist spreading in all directions, its transient extent enveloping entire vast regions, or a little round stone transparent like a dew-drop? Behold, therein lies the cause of your fear and your blindness!
69,10. “Is not the little stone so solid that no one could squash it and does it not resist every storm, every pressure and every knock? Yes, you did see the tiger tearing a big ox suddenly to small pieces, but surely, if this tiger had bitten into such a barely egg-sized little stone that would have been the end of the tiger’s most awful weapon. And had it swallowed it as a whole, it would have swallowed its death and in the decomposition the little stone would have remained undamaged.
69,11. “Look, children, man in his obedience is like this little stone, but as an external, rational man he is like the mist. But does it not happen that when winds condense such mists this results in drops of water and when many drops flow together they form a lake? When the great weight of the mass of water presses hard in the depth its parts take hold of each other under such pressure and they form a transparent stone, which is then a firm block of rays, one and the same as Thummim, which is a symbol and a great sign of the returning obedience through true remorse.
69,12. “Behold, through your disobedience you became a mist. But all kinds of winds appeared and pushed and frightened you from all sides. You felt the pressure and wept tears of pain. Behold, that is the rain. But it did not suffice for you to become water in individual drops; you had to become a lake in your remorse. This you have now become In the depth of your life it pressures you now more than before, but hear and see and comprehend it well: Through this present final pressure your dual life has once more taken hold of itself like the little drops of water, and a new stone of life and true wisdom has formed within you. Therefore, rejoice and be of good cheer, for we did not come to destroy you, but that you may gain a new life in the true love for God, our most holy Father. Amen.”
Household of God Volume 2 – Chapter 137:12-17
(Revealed by Jesus thru Jakob Lorber)
137,12. “If someone might say: ‘How can I be a lord of my life if I always have to live like an obedient servant?’
137,13. Then I tell you: While you are servants of the world and your flesh, you are harnessed to the yoke of servile obedience. But once you are servants of My love you will be liberated from any yoke whatsoever and will thus be perfect lords of your life; for love alone will and can make you completely free.
137,14. “How should love not be able to achieve this, being a living and exceedingly delicious spice of one’s own will?
137,15. “Of what benefit to such a man should then be some commandment to be obeyed when he has love which comprises all the commandments within it and is a master of all law?
137,16. “Or is it necessary to coerce someone to an action which he would have carried out spontaneously with all his heart?
137,17. “Thus love, superior to all commandments and laws, as itself life, is also a perfect lord of one’s own life!
The Way into the living Church…
Obedience, Church, Rose, three Words in the spiritual Light
(Heavenly Gifts from November 25, 1840 thru Jakob Lorber)
8. Look, ‘Obedience’ is the path into the true, living church, which is My living Word, written and uttered from eternity in the heart of every man and angel.
9. The ‘Rose’ however means the purest and most fragrant love for Me out from the church of the heart. But just like the master flower grows on thorny bushes, so also is the path to the true church, the place, where My Grace is solely at home, a bit thorny as well. But exactly because of that, the pure love – whose roots provide good nourishment to the thorny bush in the garden of the childlike obedience – which is the highest, most beautiful and holy possession – yes, love alone is the everlasting, most blissful life itself. And whoever does not carry this royal flower spiritually in his heart, will hardly ever enter into the great, eternal kingdom of heaven.
10. Thus obedience is the garden. – The life lived in obedience are the good roots of the thorny rosebush. Even though they are still in the dark and lightless soil, they are nevertheless the main bearers of the bush, and finally of the bloom itself. – The church however resembles the thorny bush. And the thorns upon it are all the trials of freedom and the numerous temptations of the world, but at the same time the fire suckers of love, just like the real thorns on a rosebush are suckers of the electric fire. – But the rose is finally the beautiful symbol of love itself!
11. So listen, My dear young inventor of these three words! Become a rose also, and as such, My dear daughter, so that the mystery that keeps you trapped in the world may one day become clear to you!
12. So come soon into My garden and blossom into a gorgeous flower of eternal life therein, where you will hear the most secret sounds of My paternal Voice again!
13. What My servant is telling you, applies to your siblings as well! – Amen. – That is, what I say, your most loving Father, Amen.
Eternal Destination
(From the Lord’s Sermon 23 thru Gottfried Mayerhofer)
(The Lord says) Those who have only vague concepts or no knowledge at all of My Word, I cannot make as much responsible for their actions as those who know My teaching and understand how and when they have to act in accordance with it. When they intentionally sin against it, they deserve punishment and will be accused – not by Me, but by their own conscience – of fickleness and faint-heartedness because of their great lack of strength and because they, notwithstanding all the aid from above, let themselves be ensnared in the net of worldly pleasures to such an extent that they lost their spiritual dignity.
Spiritual Dignity of Man
(From Secret of Life 14 revealed thru Gottfried Mayerhofer)
The Lord says…
Man is not ennobled by the conventional adherence to social rules and state laws. Not at all! Man is ennobled by his own conscience, when he is aware of having done everything out of the most noble, most exalted motives, of having done everything out of love for his Creator and love for his fellow created beings.
Not the deed determines the worth, but the “Why”, why an action was performed! To be sure, man sees the action, but the motive is known only to two, to Me and the one acting, in which case I represent his approving or disapproving conscience.
What are “pangs of conscience” if not the uneasiness to have acted contrary to one’s spiritual dignity! Therefore, whenever you do something, whenever thoughts assail you, pay heed to them lest they debase you. For everyone carries within him his book of life, and at the end of his earthly career he will be shown in a picture the kind of physiognomy his spiritual man will assume on his demise. And so the reflection of the life as it was lived on earth will be the expression of the soul-garment, where the sum total of all the thoughts, wishes and inordinate desires will reveal the spiritual man to the other spirits, not according to his physical, but his spiritual form.
Teaching through the Divine Manifestation
(From Chapter 4 of The Third Testament)
The Lord says…
16. Before the Spiritual Ark of the New Covenant, the multitudes promised submission, obedience, and good will, but when the hurricanes and whirlwinds blew with force, and beat the branches of the tree, there were those who weakened, while others, unmoved, stayed firm, to teach the new laborers how to cultivate the soil.
17. There are those who, recognizing the greatness of this revelation, have attempted to penetrate My Arcane beyond My wishes, with the aim of possessing wisdom and authority that makes them superior to others, but it has not taken long to find themselves before My justice.
18. Others, not knowing how to find the greatness of this Work in its purity, in its simplicity, have copied from sects and religions, rites, symbols, and ceremonies, believing that they give solemnity to My manifestations. (234, 27 – 30)
19. From the time that this communication began to manifest itself your spirit was illuminated with My teaching, even though came the incredulous among those who have cultivated the mind just as the crude and ignorant.
20. So many arguments made to deny this revelation! How many attempts to destroy this Word! But nothing has halted the course of My message, on the contrary, the more this Work has been opposed, the more the faith of the multitudes has been kindled, and the more time has passed, the greater the numbers of those through whom I transmit My Word.
21. What can be learned from this? That human power shall never be able to prevent the Divine power from carrying out its designs.
Motive for the new Divine Revelation
(From Chapter 5 of The Third Testament)
7. The form in which I have come to manifest Myself in this time is different from that in the Second Era, but My purpose is the same: To save humanity, to keep it away from that whirlwind it has encountered in its path, and from which it has not been able to free itself.
8. Temptation is unleashed with all its strength and man has fallen like a weakened child, and has paid great penalties, He has drained the cup of bitterness, and in the midst of his confusion, clamored for Me, and the Father has been with him.
9. Still in the chalice remain the dregs, but I shall help you to withstand these afflictions, which are the consequence of your disobedience. Blessed are you who hear Me, for you shall be strong. But what shall others do when this great pain comes to them? Will their spirits succumb for lack of faith? The prayer of Israel must save them. (Meant here is the spiritual Israel, not the Inhabitants of the state of Israel)
Examples from the People of Israel
(From Chapter 9 of The Third Testament)
16. I said to Noah: “I will send a great flood to earth to purify the spirit of man of all his sins. Build on ark, and tell your children, their wives, and your grandchildren to go inside the ark”. Also place a pair of animals from each specie on earth inside the ark.
17. Noah was obedient to My command, and the cataclysm arrived in fulfillment of My word. The bad seed was pulled up by its roots, and the good seed conserved in My granaries, with which I formed a new humanity that bore within it the light of My justice, and knew how to comply with My Law and live practicing good customs.
18. Perhaps do you believe that those individuals who suffered painful deaths perished both physically and spiritually? Truly I tell you, My children, they did not. Those spirits were saved by Me, and they awoke before the judge of their own conscience. They then were prepared to return once again to the path of life in order to progress spiritually.
19. It will not always be necessary for you to drain the cup of bitterness. It will be enough for Me to see your faith, your obedience, your purpose and intentions to obey My commandments, for Me to free you from the most difficult moments of your trials.
20. Remember that Abraham was asked for the life of his son, Isaac, who He loved much; and that the patriarch, overcoming his pain and the love He felt for his child, prepared himself to sacrifice him as a proof of obedience, faith, love, and humility that you cannot yet understand. But He was not permitted to consummate the sacrifice of his son, because already in the depths of his heart He had proven his obedience to the Divine Will, and that was enough. Oh, how great was the rejoicing of Abraham when his hand was held back by a greater force, preventing him from sacrificing Isaac. Oh, how He blessed the name of his Lord and marveled at his wisdom!
Christianity, Churches, Cults & Baptism
(From Chapter 14 of The Third Testament)
The Lord says…
16. Since you have been unable to know true spiritual peace, you are satisfied with yearning about it and attempting to achieve it in numerous ways so that you can feel some degree of tranquility, satisfaction, and comfort. However, you have never been able to achieve true spiritual peace. I say to you that only when the child obeys the will of the Divine Father, will it conquer true spiritual peace.
39. People: in that era, John, called also the Baptist, baptized those who believed in his prophecy with water. That act was a symbol of the purification of the original sin. To the multitudes who came to the Jordan River to hear the words of the forerunner, He said: “Here I baptize you with water, but already He is coming who shall baptize you with the fire of the Holy Spirit.”
40. From that Divine fire all the spirits were born. They sprang forth pure and clean, but if on their road they have managed to stain themselves with the sin that disobedience brought with it, the fire of My Spirit will come again to pour itself over them, to destroy your sin, cleanse your stains, and return you to your original purity.
41. If that spiritual baptism, instead of being understood as the purification that men achieve through an act of true repentance before their creator, you convert into a rite, and you are satisfied with the symbolism of an act, then I tell you certainly that your spirit shall achieve nothing.
42. Who acts in this way, lives still in the times of the Baptist, and it is as though He had believed neither in his prophecies, nor in the words that He spoke about spiritual baptism: the Divine fire with which God purifies his children, and immerses them in the immortal light.
43. John called to men who were of adult age, to pour over them those waters that symbolized purification. They came to him when they were conscious of their acts and could already have the firm will to persevere in the path of good, of righteousness, and of justice. See how humanity has preferred to practice the symbolic act of purification by means of water, instead of a true regeneration through repentance and the firm purpose of reform that is born of the love for God. The ceremony implies no effort at all, in contrast, purifying the heart and struggling to remain pure means effort, watchfulness, and even sacrifice, by men. That is why men have preferred to cover their sins with appearances, settling for carrying out ceremonies, acts, and rites that do nothing to improve their moral or spiritual condition if the conscience is not involved.
44. Disciples: That is why I do not wish rites to exist among you, so that you do not, to comply with them, forget that which truly gets to the spirit. (99, 56 – 61)
45. I am the one who sends spirits to incarnate according to the law of evolution. And truly I say to you that it will not be the influences of this world which will make Me deviate from My Divine plans, for My Divine will shall be fulfilled in spite of mans ambition for power.
46. Every human being brings a mission to the earth. His destiny is outlined by the Father, and his spirit anointed by My charity. In vain men perform ceremonies and anoint little children. Verily I say to you, that at no material age will water be the one to purify the spirit of its shortcomings to My Law. And if I send a spirit which is free of all sin, from what blemish do religious ministers cleanse it with baptism?
The Divine Law
(From Chapter 16 of The Third Testament)
16. In this time I have told you to love God before all creation, to love God in all that exists, and all that exists in God; that you practice charity and more charity with your brothers in order to see the Father in all his splendor, for charity is love.
17. “I will not even say to you that this Doctrine of Spirituality will be a worldwide religion, because I never granted you a religion, but a Law; I limit Myself to telling you that the Law that will triumph on earth, and which will be established in it to illuminate the existence of men, will be the Law of love which I have explained in My Doctrine so that you understand it fully”.
18. Mankind will still perform many false deeds of love and charity, until it learns to love and practice true charity, and many will go from religion to religion until their spirit elevates itself in knowledge and reaches an understanding that the only Law, the universal and eternal Doctrine of the spirit, is the Law of love which everyone will attain.
19. All the religions will disappear and only the light of the Temple of God will remain shining within and outside of man, in which everyone will render only one worship of obedience, of love, of faith and good will.
The Failure to Obey the Divine Commandments and its Consequences
20. On this dawn of commemoration I ask you: What have you done with the Law that I conveyed to mankind through Moses? By chance, were those commandments given only to the generations of that period?
21. “Truly I say to you: That holy seed is not in the hearts of men, for they do not love Me nor do they love one another; they do not honor their parents nor respect what belongs to others and on the other hand, they do take each other’s lives, they adulterate and cause disgrace upon themselves.”
22. Do you not hear falsehood on the lips of everyone? Have you not realized how one people, defrauds other people of their peace? And still mankind says it knows My Law. What would become of men if they forget My mandates completely?
23. In the Second Era, having entered Jerusalem, Jesus found that the temple, the place dedicated to prayer and worship, had been converted into a market. And the Master, filled with passion, cast out those who had disrespected the temple, saying to them, “My Father’s house is not a market place.” Those who were cast out were less guilty for what they did than those who were responsible for guiding men in the law of God. The priests had converted the temple into a place where ambitions and grandeur reigned, and that kingdom was destroyed.
24. Today, I have not taken a whip to punish those who disrespect My law. I have allowed them to feel the consequences of their own faults so that they may realize that My law is inflexible and unchangeable. I have pointed out to man the righteous path that He needs to follow. If He departs from it, He exposes himself to the consequences of having broken My righteous law where My love is manifested.
25. I come to reconstruct My temple, a temple without walls or towers, for it is in the hearts of men.
26. The Tower of Babel still divides humanity, but its foundations shall be destroyed in the hearts of man.
27. Idolatry and religious fanaticism have also raised their high towers, but they are weak, and shall fall.
28. Truly I tell you, that My laws, Divine and human, are sacred, and they themselves shall judge the world.
29. Humanity does not believe it is idolatrous, but truly I tell you, it still adores the golden calf.
30. Chaos has returned because virtue does not exist, and where there is no virtue, there can be no truth. It is not that the Law which the Father conferred to Moses has no force, nor that the doctrine of Jesus was only applicable to past times. Both of them in their essences are eternal laws; recognize, however, that they are like a fountain from whose waters none are obliged to drink, but that whoever approaches that fountain of love does so through their own will.
31. Interpret My teachings justly. Do not think that My Spirit is happy to see your suffering on the earth, or that I come to deprive you of all that is gratifying to you in order to enjoy it Myself. I come to make you recognize and respect My laws, because they are worthy of your obedience and respect, and because complying with them will bring you happiness.
Free Will & Conscience
(From the Third Testament Chapter 34)
The Lord says…
14. The conscience is the Divine spark, a higher light, and is a force to help men not to sin. What merit would there be in men if the conscience had the material strength to force them to remain on the side of good?
15. I want you to know that merit consists of listening to that voice, in persuading yourselves that that voice never lies nor is mistaken in its counsel, and in faithfully obeying its dictates.
16. As you can understand, to hear that voice clearly requires preparation and concentration within one’s self. Who practices such obedience in the present times? Ask yourselves?
17. The conscience has always manifested itself in man, but man has not achieved the necessary evolution to guide all his life by that Divine voice. Man has needed laws, teachings, precepts, religions and advice for guidance
18. When men come to enter into communion with their spirits, and instead of looking for it outwardly, seek it within themselves, they can hear that gentle, persuasive, wise, and just voice that has always been vibrating within them without being heard, and they come to understand that the conscience is the presence of God, and that it is the true means by which men should communicate with their Father and Creator.
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