Be an encourager - the ultimate How To Guide

1 year ago

What's encouragement - and how do we do it?

It means to inspire others with hope, courage, confidence. It's gift from God - Romans 12:8.

The Bible tells us of Mr Encouragement – "Barnabas" – his name means "Encourager" (Acts 4:36-37).

When others gave up on people, Barnabas kept on encouraging and standing by people.

An Encourager… Shares practically. Barnabas gave of himself freely to help needy Christians. He sacrificed himself and his own interests for the benefit of others. He gave freely to strengthen God’s work.

How can we give more of our time, our substance and our talents to help the church go forward? When we give of ourselves and our substance - we will encourage others to join in and share the load.

An Encourager… Stands up for others Acts 9:26. Paul had been an enemy of the church. The disciples didn’t trust him - but Barnabas came by Paul’s side. How can we make the effort - to reach out to the lonely or rejected?

An Encourager… Speaks encouragement Acts 11:22-23. Barnabas was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. He gave encouragement! It's like a coach who motivates his team. We can start a chain reaction of encouragement.

An Encourager… Soldiers on in trials Acts 13:49-52. Barnabas showed joy in the midst of trials. Barnabas, along with Paul, preached the Word of God and faced persecution and rejection. Instead of being discouraged and quitting, they went on their way rejoicing.

Going through battles in life shows the true depth of our faith. How real is our faith in God? Let’s learn to handle set-backs with joy and faith.

An Encourager… Sticks by weaker ones Acts 15:37-39. Mark had gone on their first missionary journey, but had decided during the trip to return home. Barnabas now wanted Mark to join on another mission, but Paul would not agree. Barnabas's patient encouragement saw Mark's eventual effective ministry. Barnabas showed forgiveness. Barnabas gave this discouraged and defeated young man a second chance.

We need more Barnabas’s in the church today — people who care. Are we like Barnabas? Are we willing to help others, and patiently work with them? Are we a Son of Encouragement?

Be like the Good Samaritan. He stopped, bound up the wounds and helped the hurt man recover.

He is the God of second chances, Jonah 3:1. We can be like Him - we can be an encourager!

Barnabas showed mercy and forgiveness to Paul - and to Mark. Forgiveness is often a difficult thing, especially if you have been personally wronged, but forgiveness is not optional; it is commanded.

Is there someone who we can come along side to help along the way? Be a Barnabas!

We need to be like Barnabas in our Homes. Be more positive and encouraging.

We need to be like Barnabas at Church. We can destroy our relationships with other Christians, and in turn our relationship with God - and theirs. Watch over your words. Show grace and concern for your brother or sister in Christ. Encouragement builds people up rather than tearing them down.

Encourage one another. The Bible calls all of us to be an encourager. Not to focus on criticising and looking for faults. Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Exhorting one another. In other words, encouraging one another. More and more, continuously is the sense of it.

We need to be a Barnabas to others. We all need people like Barnabas in our lives - people who will encourage - support us - and lift up our spirits!

We can also go direct to the Word for God’s sweet encouragement for our soul.

We can Encourage - or DIScourage. There are 2 kinds of people in church. One kind finds all the fault and aim to tear others down. Others seek to build up their fellow believers and to help them to grow in the Lord.

It’s so easy to be unkind and self-centred and not thoughtful of others. It is easy to criticise instead of encourage. There are two kinds of people on earth - the people who lift and the people who lean. Do we ENcourage - or DIScourage?

Do our Words Encourage? How will you use your - 25,000, women, and 14,000, men - words today?

The Lord is "The Friend of a wounded heart." He cares for hurting humanity. He uplifts the distressed and downtrodden.

YOU can be an Encourager! Who do you know who may need encouraging? Speak encouragement to those who need it.

Let's bind up the brokenhearted. Let's lift up the discouraged. Let's exercise the gift of encouragement. Look for opportunities encourage.
• The practical need you can supply
• The new Christian who needs nurturing
• The Christian who is overcoming failure.

Extend a hand of fellowship. Be sensitive to other’s needs. Give appreciation, a smile, a kind word. Give a thoughtful word, a helping hand. Just quietly be there.

Be an Encourager.

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