Against Empire Chapter 5: A Dreadful Success

2 years ago

Welcome to The Workers Reading Room, this reading is Michael Parentis Against Empire, Chapter 5: A Dreadful Success.

All art in the slideshow comes from a Soviet art group on Vkontakte with admin permission. The paintings are in the following order, with the girl in the field as number 1:

1.Dantzig May Volfovich (1930-2017) Land and people 1984
2.Gervits Leonid Vladimirovich (1946) Leningrad cafe 1981
3.Kaplan Samuil (Semyon) Solomonovich (1928) Morning. Chekhov lane 1958
4.Kichigin Georgy Petrovich (1951) Bus station in Tobolsk 1975
5.Korzhev-Chuvelev Geliy Mikhailovich (1925-2012) In the waiting room 1957
6.Kutilin Vladimir Alexandrovich (1931-2021) Urban Romance
7.Likhachev Mikhail Ivanovich (1919-1997) Students 1970
8.Lubennikov Ivan Leonidovich (1951-2021) Midnight. Coffee 1984
9.Lyubavin Yuri Mikhailovich (1923-2000) Morning of the city 1960
10.Odainik-Samoilenko Zoya Alexandrovna (1924-2002) Conversation in a train compartment 1950s

Outro music is Pete Seegers “Which side are you on?”

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