5 Largest Species of Shark in The World

2 years ago

Nurse Shark:
Found near Tropical and subtropical coastal waters of the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific, it can grow up to 10 feet long, spends its life around shallow water reefs and hunt within 65 feet deep in the ocean, using its fins, it can walk across the ocean floor, its nocturnal in nature and love to hang out in groups.

Megamouth Shark:
Found around northern Japan and southern California, as well as near Punta Eugenia and Hawaii. It can grow up to 16 feet long and weighs up to 2,700 pounds. It’s considered a filter feeder, meaning it does not use its teeth to catch prey, but rather gulps its food and filters it through its teeth, such as plankton and jellyfish. Megamouth can be found at depths up to 3,300 feet.

Great White Shark:
Found around cool coastal waters throughout the world’s ocean. It’s known to grow up to 20 feet long and weighs up to 4,500 pounds. Great White is a fast swimmer and can chase its prey at about 37 miles per hour. This shark is responsible for 5 to 10 human attacks per year. While humans are not on its menu, its main course consists of sea lions, seals, and small whales. It has a strong sense of smell and can detect its prey from two miles away.

Basking Shark:
Found near north and south of the Atlantic and pacific oceans, as well as Sea of Japan, the Mediterranean, southern Australia, and New Zealand. It can grow up to 45 feet long and weighs up to 10,000 pounds. Like the megamouth shark, it gulps its food by filtering about 4 million pounds of water. It can swim to depths of up to 6000 feet. Basking sharks are considered endangered species due to it being harvesting for oils, as well as getting killed by boats, nets, and water pollution.

Whale Shark:
Found around tropical ocean water around the world. It is considered the largest species of shark. It can grow up to 45 feet long and weighs up to 41,000 pounds. Like the basking shark, it swallows plankton and other crustaceans through its gigantic mouth, which can be as large as four feet wide. It can live up to 150 years of age. It is known to migrate across thousands of miles, however, it’s a slow gentle creature that can only travel at about three miles per hour. Water pollution is a real threat to this species of shark.

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