EP 27 | Why Would You Want To Buy Gold, Silver, or Collectible Coins?

2 years ago

Date: 1/9/23

Name of Podcast: Our Republic Matters

Episode Title and Number:  Why Buy Gold, Silver, or Collectible Coins?/27

Brief Summary:  
In this episode cover what is inflation and how it has affected the value of the US dollar. We also talk about the increasing debt and how the government keeping printing money. We’ll cover some benefits of investing in precious metals as well as discussing what is sound money and why you might want to invest in silver, gold, or collectible coins.
We will interview a good friend and business partner of ours regarding his story and experience with gold and silver coins.
At the end of the podcast we provide a link where anyone can schedule a free zoom meeting to learn more about the awesome company we are partnered with that has some great benefits and solutions for collecting gold and silver bullion or coins.

Go here to schedule free webinar: https://collectgoldsilvercoins.com

Bullet Points of Key Topics + Chapter Markers:

00:00:00 - 00:03:00 Mark Dice Free 1 oz Gold Coin or $20
00:03:01 - 00:03:25 Title / Intro
00:03:26 - 00:08:52 PragerU | What is Inflation
00:08:53 - 00:10:32 Congress.gov Bill H.R. 9157 (to define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold)
00:10:33 - 00:11:46 Chart | How the US dollar has been decreasing in value over time
00:11:47 - 00:14:55 Inflation Calculator/Debt Clock
00:14:56 - 00:15:30 Wealth & Finance Benefits of Investing in Precious Metals
00:15:31 - 00:30:41 Interview with Steve
00:30:42 - 00:34:59 Inflation/Benefits of Sound Money Video
00:35:00 - 00:36:14 How you can register for free Zoom meeting to learn more collecting gold, silver, and collectible coins
00:36:15 - 00:37:20 Closing

See inks below to the videos used in this podcast:

Inflation Prager U: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syIf-1nkImg
Mark Dice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN55tfvAUWI&t=1s
Inflation Calculator: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/
Wealth & Finance: https://www.wealthandfinance-news.com/the-benefits-of-investing-in-precious-metals/
Gov Bill Gold Backed: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/9157
Debt Clock: https://www.usdebtclock.org/
Inflation Chart: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/purchasing-power-of-the-u-s-dollar-over-time/
OurRepublicMatters: https://ourrepublicmatters.com
NGC: https://www.ngccoin.com/

#gold # silver #collectible coins # inflation hedge #precious metals

CollectGoldSilverCoins.com is not a registered investment, legal or tax advisor, or a broker/dealer. All investment opinions from OurRepublicMatters is based on personal research and experience of the owners of this site and are not intended as educational material. Although we tried our best to make sure that all information is accurate and up to date however sometimes errors or misprints may occur. Please do your own research or consult a financial advisor.

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