Judge Peter Sacks, where ARE your MERS mortgages??? Membership at Harvard has its Privileges.

2 years ago

The website "Deadly Clear" features The DECLARATION of myself and SEC Whistleblower, Billie Powers documenting the Corruption of our JUDICIARY BRANCH and the "UNHOLY ALLIANCE" between Judges, Politicians, and Public Servants with Walls Street Banks' "Data Harvesting Artificial Intelligence NIGHTMARE" known as "MERS" or Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. If you are a "Member" of the "Privileged Elite" you can get "Special Perks" via your "mortgages" with "Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc." Judge Peter Sacks, "We the People" demand an explanation as to why ALL of your "MERS" Mortgage Records DO NOT EXIST on your Lowell Road Property in the "MERS" Data Platform. Please, do explain. https://deadlyclear.com

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