You LIE, Crenshaw!

2 years ago

I've always had a problem with disingenuous apologies.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) tries to walk back his comments that Never-Kevin Republicans were "terrorists."

"Things get heated and things get said ... to the extent that I have colleagues that were offended by it, I sincerely apologize to them ... It's clearly a turn of phrase."

No, it's a disingenuous RINO commie jacktard WEF syncophant now sucking up to those who can vote him out of office.

Dan Crenshaw denied his association with World Economic Forum's list Of Young Leaders, but those photos of him didn't create themselves. No conspiracy theory here at all, as he said there is. If that's a conspiracy theory, he needs to talk to his buddy Klaus Schwab about it, instead of blaming it on everybody else who can see it for themselves.

He lied like a rug then, just as he did here in his disingenuous apology.

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