Elden Ring - Make Them Bleed - Invasions (Bandit) PC

2 years ago

I don't normally invade anymore so i had to go all out and be toxic af last night, all in fun though 😆 The Cringe of last nights highlights.
This video took me an hour to make (spent most of the time Listening to music) out of about 2 hours of footage.
Using a Razer Wolverine Tournament Edition Xbox Controller
All clips recorded on the night of July 5, 2022

Music: Gojira
Songs: Mouth of Kala, Gift of Guilt

PvP Reusable Item: Festering Blood Finger
Level: 150
Build: Arcane - Blood Flame Build
Weapon: Dual (Blood) Cross-Naginata +25
Seal: Dragon Communion Seal +10
Incantations: Blood Flame Blade, Blood Flame Talons, Blood Boone, Swarm Of Flies, Dragon Fire, Rotten Breath, DragonIce, Beast Vitality, Magic Fortification and Flame Grant Me Strength

Gameplay By Decapitator

#EldenRing #PvP #Invasion #Decapitator #Decap #DecapTheGod #Decap1tator

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