Against Empire Chapter 11: Real Alternatives

2 years ago

Welcome to The Workers Reading Room, this reading is Michael Parentis Against Empire, Chapter 11: Real Alternatives.

All art in the slideshow comes from a Soviet art group on Vkontakte with admin permission.

1.Likhachev Mikhail Ivanovich (1919-1997) When will it end 1953
2.Maximov Kondrat Evdokimovich (1894-1981) Disturbed silence 1973
3.Medzmaryashvili Zhango Konstantinovych (1925-1989) Top Floor 1959
4.Nazarov Alexander Konstantinovich (1944) Night Kadashi 1991
5.NX(means artist unknown) At the rehearsal 1967
6.Olifirov Grigory Grigorievich (1949-2015) Evening 1980
7.Ovchinnikov Nikolai Vasilievich (1918-2004) Happy minute 1961
8.Petukhov Ivan Sergeevich (1922-1993) The First of September 1950s
9.Pimenov Yuri (Georgy) Ivanovich (1903-1977) Lights of the University 1951
10.Rakhnaev Ilya Rodshildovich (1934-2003) Cotton growers of the collective farm Tajikistan 1975

Outro music is “Days of Decision” by Phil Ochs (guess my favorite folk singer)

Thank you everyone for listening, I truly appreciate it.

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