January 3, 2023 ❤️ Jesus says... Your Perseverance in Prayer keeps Donald Trump alive

2 years ago

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Perseverance in Prayer keeps President Donald Trump alive

January 3, 2022 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you, Heartdwellers. Well, today we have kind of been counting our boo-boos. It has been very dark, and difficult, and a lot of challenges, most of them psychological, I think. So, when I came into prayer to receive the message, the Lord began...

(Jesus) “Everything counts Beloved. Please tell the brother that these exasperations are keeping him (Trump) alive in the night watches.”

(Clare) In other words, keeping Trump alive in the night watches.

(Jesus) “They count as solid offerings put on the scales to offset the judgment. This should be good news for him, bolstering his resolve and efforts. I am with you, brother, and I count every little suffering you endure for the sake of the community as a big fast offering. Please, be encouraged, My Blessed one.

“Children, the hour is dark and tedious, but it shall not always be so. Rejoice that you have one another, so many are alone in this same circumstance. Truly you need one another, and what a blessing you are to each other. Think on these things, dear ones, as you get discouraged, thank Me that you do have one another, as well as a Spouse who is on the same page with you. So many are alone or compromised, even though it is very dark, still you have the light of one another’s countenance to cheer you on. And that is not to mention the Great Cloud looking in and praying for you. Your relatives too, are honored to be a part of this little movement of end times warriors.

“I have sent St. Philomena to you for this time and season. Avail yourselves of her intercession. She is indeed a very sweet and powerful influence in Heaven, gaining many indulgences and graces for you before the Father’s throne.

“Please pray for your President at all hours of the day and night, your coverage is important. And continue to pray for those who guard him and that any traitors will be found out before they manage to do damage. Events are truly being held in abeyance until the timing is right. Much of that depends upon keeping your President alive and well.”

(Clare) Lord, have you got anything else to say?

(Jesus) “Persevere, it is paying off. Do not grow slack. When you begin to cool down and are tempted to slack off, it is then that you must renew your resolve and efforts, because the enemy is trying to stop your prayers, of this you can be sure. When the covering for your President is weakest, that is when they will go ahead with their plans and likely succeed.”

(Clare) Here He is talking about the plans to assassinate President Trump.

(Jesus) “There are very special souls all over the world who have been summoned to pray for President Trump. Heaven is well aware of your weaknesses and tendency to slack off, so there are many to take over when you do. Truly, We are not taking any chances.”

(Clare) Lord, will there ever be a time when he is safe?

(Jesus) “No. There will always be a plot to kill him, using trained assassins, but your prayers will always cause more to rise up and give their all in protecting him.

“There is still much to be done in your government to make it ready to stand, that is if you are successful in protecting him. But remember there are very traumatic events coming to your Earth and that will greatly complicate matters and especially political matters. Your planet needs all the prayer it can get, Beloved, but right now, I must tell you, more and more are rallying to the side of goodness. But there are still issues with the fallen ones and demon aliens that must be conquered. Many will be deceived and co-opt their agendas, despite the warnings from the Christian community.

“The Holy Spirit will react strongly within every consecrated soul, to keep them from falling for the lies, but some will not heed the warnings, others will not be listening very carefully, and most will be taken up and convinced of the benefits of consorting with them. Your warnings will be a steady anchor point in rough seas as these evil ones move in on your society. There will be many ways to turn the leery away from being ever so careful and cause them to sympathize with the alien demons. Pray for them when the time comes, Beloved.”

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