2 years ago

It's in everything, bleached white sugar . Your body can't digest it well after it's processed into child COCAINE, Kelloggs cereal puts mini chunks of iron in their toxic poison cereals to start your kids day Boom then make them sit in school cracked completely out. Ahh no prob They have more Ritalin dexadrin etc more cocaine and meth . Then because they will be into prison system boom more drugs boom 💥 money money pain torture kills. I grew up eating every kind of candy and junk food, I had pizza zit face could hardly breath because of allergies to milk also not good for humans especially when you are o negative, when I stopped eating white sugar and all processed foods ,I had great awakening, Clear your pineal gland fast for a month Dont eat anything, just drink pinapple juice and coconut water and eat raw garlic and boom Awakened you will be. P.s smoke some dank weed ITS easier to escape illusion matrix programming. That's why they actually banned weed because it is a Kiss and Hug from God , IT unlocks your powers and abilities. WWG1WGA

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