Just A 'Short' to Share What We Do to Get Ready for Swarm Season! πŸ―πŸπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

2 years ago

Please give us a 'Thumbs Up' and subscribe to our channel. We want to share our farm-life with as many as possible in hopes of inspiring them to one day live more sustainably!

We plan to upload short videos in the coming weeks as we prepare for one of our favorite times of year on the farm, Honeybee Swarm Season! Wes gives us an intro here to our thoughts prior to Swarm Season!

Recently I have had several tell me they would like to look more into beekeeping. With the thought they too might like to set up a beehive! Wonderful!!

To You I would say your first goal is to acquire an excellent book entitled, 'Keeping Bees With A Smile'. We have devoured it because we consider it our Beekeeping Bible on the farm! It will give you everything you need to know to get started and maintain a successful Honeybee Apiary! It's also a very interesting read!

'Keeping Bees With a Smile' is edited by Dr. Leo Sharashkin. He is our mentor and who I believe is a true 'honeybee whisperer'!

You can get this awesome book at his website, 'HorizontalHive.com'. The book is at the following link:


Much Love! -honeybeepatriot. πŸ―πŸπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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