NUMN Edition - #19 Happy White Pilled New Year!

2 years ago

All the clown world news that matters (but not to your mama) on Not Ur Mama's News! This week we cover:
Damar Hamlin’s collapse; cause unknown, OK? Power your Porsche with cow farts! Aussie jab programme takes it on the Chin. Serena Williams, Tiger Woods, Magic Johnson, Usain Bolt: all white supremacists.
In between, other topics arise as spontaneously as unexpected collapses of young, fit sportsmen.

Unknowns featured this week: Keel, Stella, Jackye and Justin.

News Item Links:
Not the Clot Shot Plot;
The Methane Mean Machine;
Karma-Uppance for Child Jabber;
Exercise your White Supremacy!

Other Useful links:

You Are Loved Store - Jackye's online shop: "Their goal is to spread love and kindness throughout the world through every day and specialty items".

Please send us your take on this week’s news challenge, as well as your news items suggestions to:
Twitter - @UnionUnknowns;
Email —;
Phone - 404-482-3130

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(Just don't tell your mama.)

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