The Inconvenient Truth About Face Masks (an educational presentation)

2 years ago

Download The Inconvenient Truth About Face Masks Here:

The Inconvenient Truth About Face Masks is about a 90-minute educational video presentation on face masks that even grade schoolers can understand. The film covers the efficacy, effects, and ethics of mask wearing. The thesis: MASKS EXACERBATE CONTAGION!

Mr. L, the teacher and avid advocate against mask wearing, breaks down his claim exhibit-by-exhibit in a methodic, step-by-step process that people of all ages can understand. (And, incase you are wondering, this professional deep-dive into the REAL science regarding masks is completely apolitical.)

The educational video was meticulously designed and formulated to engage any viewing audience. Included in this viewing experience and sales package is a follow-along worksheet/exam for students and employees in classroom or vocational settings. Embedded in the presentation are a couple mini lessons and activities meant to stimulate critical-thinking and -analysis processes in the learner. One of the mini lessons is an exercise on drawing inferences from the scientific data and literature, a very valuable skill to develop. The other activity is an observational game entitled "Who is the Super Spreader?" where the student/audience's objective is to play detective and figure out which of the two example citizens is more hazardous to the public health, the girl with the mask or the girl without the mask. Lastly, Mr. L will walk you through the somber and sobering news headlines that foreshadow what's ahead in winter 2022-2023.

Though it isn't explicitly stated in the film, the message of this film is urgent. There is a tsunami-size wave of infection on the horizon, and if people continue to wear masks when the truth is that masks exacerbate the spread of disease, then many people will unnecessarily suffer and die because people will have done the wrong thing thinking that they did the right thing, while demonizing the people who are doing the right thing thinking they are doing the wrong thing.

Masks are bio-hazardous fomites by definition, not PPE.

Please, once you purchase this presentation, share this video and get the message out there. Lives are on the line. Proceeds from sales will be pumped back into the marketing budget to get this message out there. Please, help me spread awareness of the truth.

Purchase The Inconvenient Truth About Face Masks Here:

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