Love Your Enemies

2 years ago

Jesus said, “I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matt 5:44). The word “love” translates the Greek verb ἀγαπάω agapao, which is a present, active, imperative. The present tense is ongoing action, the active voice means the subject produces the action of the verb, and the imperative mood is a command that directs the mind and will. Emotions are nowhere found in this verse. In fact, it’s impossible to conjure a warm fuzzy feeling for those who hate you, have hurt you, and who may seek to hurt you again. The command to love is executed by faith and not feelings. In fact, our feelings may actually work against us. Aγαπάω agapao is the highest form of Christian love. It is a commitment to seek God’s best in the life of others, even our enemies, which means we pray for them, speak God’s truth in love, extend grace, and share the gospel when they are willing to listen.

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