[Archon Quest] Chapter 3 Act 5 Part 4 - Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies

2 years ago

[Archon Quest] Chapter 3 Act 5 Part 4 - Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies

00:07 Wait till 16:00 and find Nahida in the Sanctuary of Surasthana
00:37 Talk to Nahida once you have made your preparations
01:15 [Highlight] Nahida introduces new Akasha Terminal
04:00 Go through the passage and reach The Balladeer
04:20 [Guide] Entering Deus Foundry
- 08:18 Pattern 1
- 11:03 Pattern 2
- 11:58 Pattern 3
- 14:07 Pattern 4
16:11 Upon exiting the elevator, the player will be teleported into the Domain The Shrine of Shouki no Kami.
19:34 Go to where The Balladeer is
19:46 Talk to The Balladeer
- [CUTSCENE] Scaramouche - Birth of the New God
24:53 Defeat the Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom
- 26:33 [CUTSCENE] Scaramouche VS Traveler - Trial Battle
- 28:10 [CUTSCENE] Scaramouche VS Traveler - 168th Loop
- 36:06 [CUTSCENE] Scaramouche Defeated
38:00 Enter Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's last memory
- The player will be teleported into the Domain The Greater Lord's Remaining Consciousness.
38:19 Talk to Nahida
42:23 [Guide] Leave this place using the Boat of Conciousness
- 46:19 [Highlight] Boat of Conciousness Sails
48:21 Reach the Irminsul from the past
- [Highlight] Base of Irminsul
48:55 Find the remaining consciousness of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata
- [Highlight] Greater God Rukkhadevata meets Nahida
- 1:01:57 [CUTSCENE] Greater God Rukkhadevata Left
1:04:25 Talk to Nahida
- 1:06:05 [Highlight] The Doctor Enters
1:21:43 Talk to Paimon

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