TOP 10 Herbs That Burn Belly Fat and Aid Weight Loss

2 years ago

In this video we explore the top 10 herbs that burn belly fat, support weight loss and lower insulin levels naturally.

Over 1 in 3 people are classed as overweight in the US alone, which many having stubborn belly fat that's extremely hard to shift, no matter how many diets or exercise plans people try.

Cravings and blood sugar fluctuations make it very easy to' fall off the wagon', making people go back to their existing eating patterns and habits.

Unfortunately visceral fat that surrounds the stomach can put a strain on the circulatory system, and increase the risk of stroke, heart attack and type 2 diabetes if left unchecked.

High insulin or cortisol levels are the main causes of belly fat accumulation, so in this video we take a look at some of the best remedies in the world to help bring these hormones into balance, so that it becomes much easier for your body to burn belly fat and convert it into useable energy within the cells.

▶️ Top Recommended Supplements
🌿 Turmeric & Black Pepper:
🌿 Coconut Oil:
🌿 Chromium Picolinate:
🌿 Apple Cider Vinegar:
🌿 Black Seed Oil:
🌿 Alpilean:
🌿 Java Burn:
🌿 Keto Diet Plan:

In no particular order or potency:

▶️ 1. Turmeric & Black Pepper
The active compound in turmeric called curcumin improves the flow of bile from the liver, which supports the breakdown of fat in the body. Black pepper contains piperine which improves curcumin absorption by 2000%

▶️ 2. Raw Coconut Oil
This is one of the healthiest cooking oils which contains MCT's. These provide an alternative fuel for the cells other than sugar, helping you to stay full and less likely to crave junk foods.

▶️ 3. Green Tea
Rich in EGCG, green tea improves fat burning at a 16% increased rate, whilst also cleansing the blood and improving digestion.

▶️ 4. Dandelion
Generally thought of as a weed, dandelion contains taraxicin which also stimulates digestive juices from the gallbladder, pancreas, salivary glands and intestines for the better breakdown of food.

▶️ 5. Cinnamon
Ceylon cinnamon helps manage blood sugars, curb cravings to lower insulin levels for fast weight loss around the stomach.

▶️ 6. Chromium
The most important trace mineral needed to keep blood sugars under control and strengthen antioxidant network of the body.

▶️ 7. Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV restores the natural Ph. Level in the stomach back between 1-3. This normal level of acidity helps to burn fat, improve digestion and improve absorption of nutrients.

▶️ 8. Black Seed Oil
Thymoquinone found in nigella sativa oil also helps to lower insulin, the fat storage hormone that must be managed in order to lose weight. It's also a powerful natural healer for many health problems.

▶️ 9. Milk Thistle
Belly fat is a result of having a fatty liver. Milk thistle helps detoxify the liver and boost glutathione production. This results in faster weight loss, and healthy, more purified blood.

▶️ 10. Rhodiola
One of the best adaptogen herbs to reduce stress hormones like cortisol is rhodiola. This helps the body adapt to mental stress, physical stress and toxins that may have caused weight gain in the first place.


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