Osmin Callis - COO at BlockDojo.io - conversation #37 with the Women of BSV

2 years ago

Osmin Callis, COO of the Satoshi Block Dojo, previously the Commercial Manager at Nchain, speaks to the leading edge projects emerging from the Satoshi Block Dojo's First Cohort in April 2022.

Learn to Earn Bitcoin with the Women of BSV !

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Bitcoin and Ethics in a Technological Society by Eva Porras

Decentralized Blockchain for Autobiographical Memory in Cognitive Robotics

We Recommend that you watch the educational series;
The Theory of Bitcoin with Dr Craig S Wright and Ryan X Charles

We wish you Peace ✌️ Love ❤️ Light 💡 Life 🧬 and Laughter 😂 with rainbow 🌈 hugs 🤗 filled with love ❤️

Be kind and be gentle !

BSV Rocks !

We love big Blocks and we hope you do to !!

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