I sustained racial discrimination, abuse, victimisation & huge injustice by NHS & GMC

1 year ago

My fellow citizen of U.K. & the World , I am speaking with you with all truth & honesty to expose huge injustice ,discrimination , victimisation & racial abuse against me by the politicians , Medical establishment ,General Medical Council ,NHS & Trust where I was working in early 2020 as a Consultant General Surgeon.

On the emergence of novel corona virus in early 2020 ,the unprecedented lockdown resulted closure of all the borders of the countries which created serious confusion.

Being a qualified , skilled ,experienced and senior doctor with critical thinking & research oriented mind ,I looked the scenario differently and held an opinion of the novel corona virus pandemic & voiced to support public during the time of confusion, darkness ,uncertainty & wilderness against unprecedented lockdown, serious restriction on the public health services , financial damages to public due to loss of their jobs and business, loss of education , loss of civil liberties , human rights and medical ethics & wilful closure of total health services for the public which I expressed in couple of my videos over the social media in March 2020.

I was targeted by the Trust with sudden unlawful dismissal on 22/4/2020 without any notification ,charge sheet or disciplinary action followed by suspension order by the General Medical Council on 1/6/2020 for 12 months in a brief online hearing over the Skype with further extension of my suspension order by the GMC for another 18 months until today to shut me down.
I had no clinical or patient related issue ,misconduct ,ethical ,health or social issue to justify such a cruel , unjustified and unfair treatment. GMC failed to establish mental health issue and clinical case against me in order to reinforce & strengthen their unlawful & false fabricated media related case .

I intended to use my long standing experience, knowledge, qualification and skills to produce better world to safeguard public & patients , protecting their health, human rights ,civil liberties based on my medical ethics , “First Do No Harm “.
In early 2020 I predicted

1.Lockdown will destroy public employment & income to make them state dependent .
1. Govt. Closed health services to save public tax payers money,not spent on public.

2.Closure of the health services during pandemic resulted deaths of millions of cancer & other serious & elderly patients in nursing & care homes , patients in their own homes died due to various serious medical conditions without any medical treatment , youngsters suicidal rate rocketed sky high due to loss of their jobs, depression & isolation.

3.Patients on the waiting lists have gone up from 4 to 10 millions in 2023 because Govt. stopped treating patients in last 3 years.

4.Most importantly I also predicted future planning of the mandatory vaccination by the government & MRHA in collaboration with the big pharmaceutical companies with full indemnity . I was right ,in September 2020 mRNA vaccine was rolled out by MRHA & Govt. in collaboration with the NHS ,GMC and Trusts to inject into public without their informed consent which is contrary to the medical ethics .

NHS is going to be privatised in U.K. and most likely has been already sold off to an American private firm .

I neither lied, committed any crime in expressing my viewpoints,misconducted or spread misinformation or damage to my profession. I simply stood for the cause of the humanity.

It’s our politicians ,medical establishment, NHS,Medical Regulator & Trusts who lied to you and are still lying one after the other not to provide you true information.
I have seen misery of the patients in the hospitals with minimum 12-24 hours wait time to see a doctor ,wait time is over 12-24 months to see a specialist ,Face to Face appointment with GP is impossible, patients are pushed to go privately ,65% who could afford have gone privately for their treatment but not everyone could afford.

I knocked the doors of the High Court for the justice against the long standing & ongoing injustice and cruelty by the NHS ,GMC & Trust to me with damage to my reputation , career , job and income for the last 3 years & my family with a wife & 3 children who have been traumatised due loss of livelihood as a result of my prolonged suspension.

My court hearing is fixed on 15/2/2023 in London which is being contested by my barrister Francis Hoar & PJH law Mr Phillip Hyland and I would like to request you all including world media to join us on the day of the judgement for the justice by the honourable High Court .

Please contribute generously on the justGiving page if you would like to support the cause of the humanity I stood for at the footnote of this speech. Thank you for your ongoing support. Please share this content & the video widely.

Please donate to their JustGiving Crowdfunding Page: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/mohammadiqbal-adil?utm_term=g8DNP58EZ

Dr Mohammad I Adil

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