January Full Moon: Bright Inspirations, Easy to Take Action, You in Bloom!

2 years ago

Easiest description ever, the energies of this January Full Moon are SUPER SUPPORTIVE and BRIGHT (that's the nutshell!)

You'll find these energies are paving the way for the rest of the year and what a great start! It feels like life in action with more ease and less personal or outside-world resistance.

Get your footing, how do you want to bloom for all the world to see in 2023? Seriously. Ask yourself this question and write down your answers. Make it a conscious effort. Now trust in yourself and your ability to follow through, and honestly, it seems like follow through will happen in a surprisingly effortlessly way. You'll see yourself more ahead of your own game than you're used to.

Remember, it's the most important thing to - LIVE IN the World - and not just - INSIDE Yourself!

There are definitely souls being called this year to come out from inside themselves, and it doesn't feel fearful, but natural. It feels like the wind is kindly at your back, helping you forward, instead of the hurricane winds blowing everything at you and every step is an exhausting gold medal achievement that nobody ever noticed but you. Perhaps the past has felt difficult, dang-near impossible, but these January Full Moon Energies are giving life a tap of the wand and revealing simplicity and joy. What a breath of fresh air!

So alas, all of this January Full Moon Energy is full of good news, and it feels effortless, a joyful breeze guiding you in an abundantly new direction of self-expression and presence, seen and acknowledged by the outside world, with a level of appreciation for you and your authentic self.

Okay, Deep Breath Here: Be Authentic. Be the Heart of You. Be YOU. It Is Safe. Trust Your Heart. Follow Your Heart. Now Truly Live. Not in Hiding of Yourself but As Yourself! Better to Live as You than Someone Else. You Can Do It This Year! And It's Highly Recommended! And It's High-Fived by These January Full Moon Energies. They've Got Your Back! 😃

One final note, there wasn't an ounce of the ugly, poisonous energy that the 2023 New Year reading highlights as part of our 2023 work-to-do. I'm not convinced that 2023 won't have it's difficult points, but existing now in 2023, January reveals the hard work can feel like a joyful adventure, and not like a threat. It's flipping great and . . .

It's easy to admit, I loved connecting with these January Full Moon Energies, and this message is something we can re-listen to anytime we need a bright pick-me-up. For now, I'm gonna ride this wave of light and love, and enjoy it whole-heartedly!

Have a Beautiful Day, Everybody!!! 💕

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🌞 Joseph Bradley, Spiritual Healer & Teacher:
Joseph is an amazing spiritual healer and teacher, and I absolutely love working with him. He has helped me so much in my life and I am delighted to encourage you to see what he is sharing each week!

#AbbeyNormal #FullMoonReading #EnergyUpdate

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