Jan 8 2023 Lies and deception is socially acceptable in Canada. Ontario center of evil

2 years ago

Freedom of expression in Canada is protected as a "fundamental freedom" the right to lie be fake and be a fraud.

The police can legally lie to you during an interrogation and young people are especially vulnerable to their tactics.Lying involves a speaker making a false statement with the intention to deceive the recepient (Bok, 1978; Chrisholm & Feehan, 1977; Coleman & Kay, 1981; Lee, 2000). Lie-telling behavior in children has received increased attention in recent years by developmental psychologists for both its theoretical implications in understanding children’s social cognitive development (e.g., Chandler, Fritz, & Hala, 1989; Leekam, 1993; Peskin, 1992; Polak & Harris, 1999; Sodian, 1991) as well as its practical applications in legal, clinical and educational settingsProfessor John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, and author of Why Leaders Lie, sums up the problem: “Lying fosters a culture of dishonesty. There is a real downside to lying. It is difficult for a country to function well if no one trusts their leaders.”Canada inherited the rule of law in the British North America Act of 1867, and it remains an underlying constitutional principle. This concept of parliamentary supremacy, consistently upheld by the courts, gives vote-hungry politicians on the campaign trail carte blanche to lure naive voters with promises they have no intention of keeping.

our health system is a lie
education is a lie
our entire system in Canada is based on lies

this society will not survive

i expect little to no views bc truth is not admired

a fake story is better then a real story of truth

seen YouTube channels which had millions of views saying use WD40 on your wipers. claimed it was fish oil. Water displacement formula 40 is a petro product that eats rubber.

This society will destroy itself with greed and deception

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