Rachel Vaughan - More evidence on Edwardstown's tunnels - 2023

2 years ago

As a child in the 1970’s and 80’s I was sex trafficked through tunnels that connected to a brick kiln which had been converted into a pre-World War II telecommunications bunker. This bunker led from a hidden cellar under my childhood home on Macklin Street in Edwardstown South Australia.

These underground abuses included being used in my father Alan Maxwell McIntyre’s blackmail/honeypot operations; being exploited for filmed and photographed child rape material; and witnessing atrocities perpetrated against other children.

I have presented a small amount of this evidence before in a document on Telegram and in a 2021 interview with Dale Holmes. I have now updated that document to include a lot more information than was presented in the original pdf. I will share the recently updated document on my Telegram channel when I upload this video.

Part of the reason I want to present this information now is due to the ongoing saga of the South Road upgrade which is still in negotiations.

I hope that presenting this information will help other survivors who have experienced child trafficking through tunnels systems throughout the world to prove the existence of those underground spaces.

I also hope that informing people of the existence of these tunnels will prevent the continued abuses of children in those locations.

Please share this info far and wide. It may help a child or children in dire circumstances.

(I am a newby at presenting in this format and the right arrow was obscured by my face when I was sharing my screen. I have since worked out how to prevent this from happening.)

YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCunnkbqhMHkUkqhAH5X3l9g

BITCHUTE https://www.bitchute.com/channel/z061vh12khwg/

Telegram t.me/RachelVaughan

Rachel Vaughan Telegram chat t.me/SRAMKsurvivor

Please sign the petition to exhume the remains of the three Beaumont children from a sink hole at my father Alan Maxwell McIntyre's former property at Stansbury on the Yorke Peninsula (South Australia) https://www.change.org/p/missing-beaumont-children-sapol-to-dig-the-sink-hole-at-mcintyre-road-stansbury

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