Dawn of a new Age & Faith in the true Power of Love ❤️ The Book of the true Life Teaching 61 / 366

2 years ago

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The Book of True Life Teaching 61 / 366

The Master teaches... Dawn of a new Age & Faith in the true Power of Love

Divine Revelations Mexico 1866 - 1950

The Lord says:

1. As My divine ray of light descends upon you, the angels unite with your spirits in prayer and worship of the Father.

2. The fear of My justice has kindled the fervor of this people, upon beholding the forces of nature being unleashed during these days of trial. Why do you despair? Have I not taught you to pray and brace yourselves with faith?

3. Remember that the forces of nature put the fulfillment of the prophecies of times past on full display. If it has been decided for you to witness and experience these events, then do not be frightened of the will of your Father, for everything serves to purify you.

4. To each and every one of you I entrust a certain number of hearts, so you may guide them with your words and examples; though should you falter during your trials, what trust in regards to My teaching would you then be able to inspire your brethren with? Among those who follow you are hearts of stone, and those you will only be able to move and convert to My doctrine through your good works.

5. Live vigilantly, be sensitive and delicate, for at every turn I will send to you someone in need, and you must not pass by him without feeling his destitution. Even those whom you will see only once in your life belong to the flock that was entrusted to you, and they will recognize you in the beyond.

6. Do not gaze upon scenes of suffering merely out of curiosity; be always inspired by the most noble of sentiments, so your deeds may express true brotherly love and bring hope to your fellows. Do not avoid hospitals, and do be horrified by the leper, the cripple or one affected by a contagious disease. Do not look upon a prison with contempt or repulsion, and do not pass by it without praying for those within. With love extend your hand towards those who have fallen, those who have been forgotten by mankind. How much good you will do to their spirits!

7. Steel your hearts for the coming battle! I do not wish there to be any weak soldiers among My ranks. Your presence along the paths of your brethren can mean for them salvation, liberation, health and peace.

8. Soon I will conclude My Word among you, and those who refused to carry it within their hearts must be prepared for pain to purify them. How could they give testimony of My new manifestation if they are not prepared?

9. During the Second Era, My Word spoke through the child Jesus to the teachers of the law, their lips silenced by My questions, astounding them with My answers. Truly, I tell you: During this Era as well will My Word reach the new teachers, theologians and scholars, to question and answer them. For this you must prepare yourselves. I will send you forth to give testimony to mankind, and should men not believe you, then I will tell them: "If you refuse to believe My messengers because of their poverty and humility, then believe them for the sake of their miracles." The deeds of My disciples shall be accompanied by signs in nature and the lives of the people, allowing mankind to ponder on the truth of My doctrine.

10. I do not want the marked ones to return to the spiritual realm enveloped in darkness after their earthly journey has been completed. I wish to receive them full of light, strength and love, so thereafter I may send them down to Earth in spirit, as an invisible army, clearing the path forward, liberating those who had been captured, and awakening those who live in ignorance, pride and vices. What will become of those who, despite having received the mark of the Holy Spirit, present themselves without light and without any merits to speak of in the beyond?


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