IN DEFENSE OF SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK Feat. Young Žižekians + Cadell Last + Michael from Žižek & So On

2 years ago

Žižek came under harsh criticism this week. This happens every couple years. Usually the theory people in academia just tuck their heads down and keep on trucking. But not us. The Young Žižekians assemble to set the record straight. Not because we think he needs us to, but because we, as four vocal supporters doing public and independent philosophy, feel the need to make sure anyone new to theory doesn't get our reasons or interest twisted. We love Žižek, but that does not mean he is beyond criticism. It is just a sad reality that the "criticism" aimed at him is not of quality.

Whether you are working a wage labor job, working out in the gym, playing video games, driving, or whatever, join us for this livestream. It's going to be a riot.
If you missed the last time we did a stream over on the Que Vuoi channel, you can go watch that here:


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