Mark of the Beast Part 23: The War On the Lamb

1 year ago

We should not fear the beast government as we move into an age of anti-god corruption. Fear the Living God instead, not those with temporal power granted to them by the Dragon, that ancient serpent. They want to do away with God. They know that as long as I can speak, as long as I can freely distribute letters and magazines filled with truth…(my unalienable rights that come from God)...they cannot have absolute (godlike) power. In their view, the creator-centric United States is the main roadblock preventing a one world (tower of Babel) government. We cannot let our own liberal values and unassuming goodwill toward all men deceive us into thinking that the false prophets, foul spirits and the beast are not moving toward an all-out war on God, his followers, and the Lamb. And who is the lamb? Jesus Christ, obviously. An attack on Christ means removing and replacing God from the schools and churches. It means silencing all truth-telling Christians by calling their words hatespeech. Today, the heart of the Lamb is the family, for this is where the notion of God comes from, and the source of a child's identity with the power of God. The family is the focus of the idol-pusher's main attack, whether that be physical, mental, cultural, or spiritual. We see new examples of this War on the Lamb each day in the headlines. Will we stand by and do nothing while they turn our children away from God to serve idols? Or will we pick up the sword of the spirit and heed the words of James 4:17 "If anyone then, knows the good that they ought to do, and does not do is sin for them.

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