Ep 10 N8 6th Jan 2023 - Hottest News updates 2023 Termination Whangamata Golf Club Case, Vax study report w Dr John Campbell

2 years ago

Another fascinating discussion with Liz and the N8 crew

Tonight we talk about;
A new report by Dr John Campbell comparing lolli-popped and un-lolli-popped and the likelihood of becoming ill from cooties. 
Un-lollipopped are 4 times LESS likely to get sick!!! 
(link to report will be posted below once i have it). 

This is great news for those battling employers. It shows how right people were to say no to the lollipop. 

This is also good news for our wonderful members sending off Section 23 letters to crowds like TM and Seek who are advertising jobs that require lollipops
This not OK! Please help make a real difference by sending a Section 23 letter yourself.

Also Liz explains in detail the Harwood case, that has recently gone through the courts.
Benjamin Harwood, a golf club employee was sacked for refusing the lollipop. The courts found the employer guilty of a number of things in the case. This is fantastic news for N8 members!! Check out the files section for Liz's detailed description of the judge's findings

And Breathalysers - these could have been utilised very quickly in early 2021. The Otago Daily times reported testing done in an early childhood centre in 2019 The University of Canterbury reported on them in March 2021… 

“A new study led by University of Canterbury (UC) researchers at the Biomolecular Interaction Centre, along with Callaghan Innovation’s Protein Science and Engineering team and MacDiarmid Institute researchers from Massey University, has shown it may be possible to detect COVID-19 in as little as 5 minutes, thanks to a simple breath test.
“We’ve developed a new approach to detecting COVID-19 viral proteins that is sensitive and accurate enough to directly detect coronavirus particles at biologically relevant levels, specifically in breath or saliva samples,” says the paper’s co-author, UC biochemist Associate Professor Deborah Crittenden.

After then this news was forced underground. 

Liz tried to contact the researchers at the time and then again recently as well as the journalist…. Crickets… Not suspicious at all

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