What's the most disgusting thing you've seen someone do with no shame?

2 years ago

What's the most disgusting thing you've seen someone do with no shame?
Working customer service at Walmart I once had a customer take off her very worn, very smelly shoes and put them on the counter looking for a refund because the insole in one of them was coming apart. It was a brand we hadn't even carried in four or five years.
First that comes to mind, working at a casino, there was this one lady who smoked SO much, she complained the servers weren't bringing her new ash trays often enough, started ashing on her tongue. One time I watched her put out a cigarette butt on the machine, then flocking eat it
It was my uncles wedding day and his wife was just getting ready to walk down the aisle. One of the guests in the wife's family decided to stand up and show off his johnson. There were kids there and he got kicked out trying to play it off as a joke.
I saw this guy get up in the middle of a bus ride multiple times and switched seats. I noticed he smelled urine, and when he got off I noticed all the seats he sat on were moist/wet. He also took out a big tub of vaseline during the ride and slathered his entire face and neck with it.
Saw a guy jacking off on a city bus right near 3 kids. The dad of the kids went over and literally dragged the guy to the door and threw him out the exit while the bus was moving. He totally deserved it tho
A guy walked into the restaurant I was working in, tried to open the door going to the store room and realized it wasn't a bathroom. He then proceeded to pee on the door right in front of people eating at the table near it then walked out.
Smoke electrical tape, the black plastic stuff. Rolled a small cigarette sized tube and 2 guys smoked it, lit it, blew out the flame, and inhaled over and over. They rolled a giant cone right after. Me and another buddy told them that we couldn’t believe they we smoking tape. They laughed and said they couldn’t believe we weren’t. Quite disgusting.
saw a customer at work sneeze into his hand full of change and give it to my coworker. i didn’t have time to warn her tho
I was on a commuter train that broke down for about 20 minutes. Sitting across from me were a brother and sister, probably about 12-13. Their dad was next to me. The kids started licking each other's faces, then picking each other's noses. Dad was totally unfazed. Yeah. Had to find another seat before I threw up.
Kid in middle school ran and dove into super long trough urinal, slid down it baseball style the whole length.
Crap all over a toilet at work and leave it there with the backspray all over the wall
I watched a middle-aged man take his shoes off and clip his toenails onto the floor in a waiting area at Logan airport. From the phone conversation he was having at the same time, it appeared that he was a mental health professional.
Pick little cotton balls or whatever it was from under their sweaty arm cast and eat it.
I can’t really say ‘no shame’ here since the person was homeless, but I was in NYC and saw a man eating a live rat on the subway. The way the rat screamed was horrible and I don’t know why he didn’t just kill it first if he HAD to eat it…?
I was having some bongs with a friend a year or so back and my step dad bought some friends over for some RnR. One of his mates who we will call Drongo asked me if he could have a cone and I then said that was ok. Drongo then rips his cone looks at me then proceeds to drink the very dirty bong water like it was a normal thing to do. Never saw Drongo again after that awkward encounter
MIL uses her own hair to floss… while at the dinner table
I saw a drunk guy try and pee between two people on the subway on to the free seat in the middle. Whipped it out and everything. Thankfully one of the passengers nearby was a tough middle-aged black woman who wasn't about to tolerate that shit. Bless her heart, she taught him shame that day, and his pp stayed in his pants until he got out at the next stop.
Several years ago, I lived in an apartment in a low crime, decent part of Seattle. Looked out my 5th floor window to see someone in the alley below us, pull down their pants, pull a pipe and a baggie out of his butt, fill the pipe, and proceed to smoke it
I lived in San Francisco for 17 years. I've seen homeless people giving / gettig blowjobs, shitting on the sidewalk, shooting up, etc. Saw a guy go up to a flock of pigeons, somehow manage to grab one, and seemingly break its neck.
The mother of my childhood friend would chew on the dead pieces of skin she peeled off her feet...pretty sure she watched Austin Powers Goldmember too many times.
bite the head off of a lizard and laugh
I watched an old crack head walk in the mall and shit in one of the fake flower pots. Then tried to use the water fountain as a bidet.
Saw a homeless woman in San Francisco with her pants around her ankles masturbating furiously while the crowd of people getting off work just walked around her.

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