I'm Not Waiting - Best Motivational Video

2 years ago

I woke up waiting. We all are.

Waiting for that check to come in…
Waiting to see loved ones…
Waiting to get back to work…

Waiting to make sense of the WORLD standing still.

Waiting for life to start up again.

I'm not okay waiting ; I’m not okay being told what to do

I’m not okay feeling that I’m isolated and powerless.

Not in a time when you can do anything, talk to anyone and STILL BE what you always wanted to be.

Not when it’s PERFECT TIME to reinvent yourself.

Each day still has 24 hours - still full of moments that can change everything.

When you have NOTHING, imagine what you could do and who you could be.

We have to keep moving forward. We need to tell ourselves that this is the new normal. It our new beginning. We need to inspire others to know that they can do it as well.

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