women Seduce A Couple And Transform Her Body Into A Blood Drinking Vampire | Movie Review

1 year ago

women Seduce A Couple And Transform Her Body Into A Blood-Drinking Vampire | Movie Review

movie name 📛 daughter of darkness


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Vempire movie

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daughter of darkness

movie review

daughter of darkness movie review


movie short summary

Newlyweds stop at a posh French hotel on their way to England. They meet a beautiful red-lipped woman whom the hotel owner swears had been there 40 years ago, even though she hasn't aged. She introduces herself as Countess of Bathory and folks begin to wonder.
Release date: November 25, 1971 (France)
Director: Harry Kümel
Screenplay: Harry Kümel, Pierre Drouot, Manfred R. Köhler, Jean Ferry, Joseph Amiel, J.J. Amiel
Art director: Françoise Hardy
Distributed by: Ciné Vog Films


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