Latest News | Ex-Air Force Captain Caught Red-Handed in Chinese Espionage Scheme! | #shorts #news

2 years ago

Latest News | "Ex-Air Force Captain Caught Red-Handed in Chinese Espionage Scheme!" | #shorts #news

Taiwan has taken legal action against a retired air force captain, as well as three current members of their military, for purportedly engaging in espionage on behalf of China. According to the reports, the former captain, identified as Liu, had retired from service in 2013 and began to be involved in companies based in China. During this time, he is believed to have been approached by Chinese officials and asked to construct a network of spies. Liu himself is suspected to have recruited at least six military officers into his team. “This is yet another example of the Chinese government’s attempts to infringe on the sovereignty of Taiwan,” said Minister of National Defense Yen Te-fa.

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