Is It Good to Let the World Betray You? (Church 1/8/23)

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The mindset that accepts insanity; Unseen power in love; Creativity without thoughts? Everything Christ went through, we must as well.

0:00:00 SILENT START (Sun, Jan 8, 2023)
0:03:24 Welcome: Man's mother died last year
0:05:34 Conquer the world: Prayer, marriage
0:09:35 What's the theme? When you disappear, heaven will appear.
0:12:35 Remembering / thinking vs. reflecting
0:13:45 JLP: Human nature is evil. Been to a drag show?
0:20:35 JLP: Mindset that accepts abortion
0:26:05 JLP: Wicked human heart. Homeless crisis
0:31:45 JLP: Homeless lady story
0:34:27 JLP: Impossible to be angry; Unseen power in love
0:38:05 Corrupt heart and mind vs. salvation of the heart?
0:42:20 Stop protecting the Devil, the ego
0:43:16 Social movement leaders hate the people
0:48:44 (Speak from the chest) How to use creativity
0:49:57 (Don't be poignant) Homeless choice
0:51:16 With an ego you try to get something from others
0:56:24 Q: How to be creative without thoughts?
1:06:33 A: Never think of yourself as a creator
1:16:00 "Raymond had his hand" — "Thank you, mama"
1:18:27 If you think you're in the present, you're not
1:24:22 Have to go to public school? Don't be defeated.
1:25:59 Living with no thoughts. Question your mode.
1:31:20 Biblical Question: Is it good to let the world betray you?
1:42:18 JLP: Everything Christ went through, we must as well
1:46:50 Feedback: Being betrayed
1:52:51 Assignment: Present your body a living sacrifice
1:56:09 New BQ: Every human an idol worshiper: Why?
1:59:14 Closing

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, January 8, 2023




Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM PT at BOND in Los Angeles


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