Sometimes the bed you make sucks.

2 years ago

Flight 132
Flight time 01:00
PIC 116.52
GTOW wt. 285 lbs 130 kgs
Wx: Clear
Wind: 00000
Temp: 00F

Pilots: Alvaro Cesar

Overall I had a gud flight. I'm very disappointed that I didn't use knowledge previously gained. I had to play the what if game and prevent an incident that brought it to the forefront for me to consider a solution. That being, never fly on the deck in front of people down the beach for fear of catching a shore fisherman's line.

Consequently I made my bed and it was only fair that I took some lumps.

Critical thinking:

I first pulled up too hard to attempt a miss and once up and slow, I realized I still had the line, which was thick. I wanted to stop moving away from the source thinking it could literally pull me back and pitch the wing forward, NOT GUD.

I decide, in a split second, to get closer to the source. Being slow in a steep climb and turning downwind allowed me to barely clear the trees. I hadn't planned on going over the trees but that's the tightest turn I could make considering speed, downwind and remaining within glide distance to land.

As I was over the trees, the thought came to me of tree entanglement. I decided to land right there and that is why I didn't add power in the turn which dropped me. Then it was all about landing and keeping the wing out of the water. I actually rolled out where I picked up the line and landed just past that.

Along with needing to stay calm and access my predicament then execute the plan. How long has it been since my last reverse? Geez.

I'm a firm believer in FIDO - meaning once an emergency is resolved I forget it and drive on.

Alvaro was overhead and departed back to the LZ thinking I might need a ride. He had a six minute lead. I made up all but a minute and a half on my return. Just smokin along. I don't know what Alvaro's flying weight is on an APCO Lift EZ 26m though I know he isn't as heavy as I.

Anyways thanks for watching
Bob The Pilot
@Bobthepilot (Twitter)

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