How To Grow Your Business and Network Through Podcasting

1 year ago

After keenly observing trends and different media people consume over the years, trade-blogger Andrew Alleman arrived at the realization that podcasting can be more in-depth and engaging than written content. And so, he got into podcasting in 2014.

In this episode, we talk about how a year into the podcast business, he faced a problem that most podcasters share–finding a guest to feature on their show. The brilliant mind behind, Andrew created a service that connects a podcast to a guest.

With more than 400 episodes, his podcast show has grown over the years thanks to his networking solution. And now, he’ll share tried and tested recommendations on how you can evolve your own podcast.

Don’t Forget To Reach Out To Andrew Alleman:

Quotes -
“It’s just amazing how deep of a relationship you can build with a person for 45 minutes compared to the traditional way you meet with somebody.”

“It’s a little bit more challenging time to get booked on podcasts, but that just means that you need to put a little more effort in and be smart about it.”

“To me [making a podcast] it was kind of growing an ecosystem–an audience. Rather than, “how can I make money from this podcast?”

“I think you need to think in terms of “what is your goal.”

“But growing your relationships–to me, you’re going to have more success if that’s your goal instead of going to the ad model.”

“The most important thing is consistency. Are you willing to do that every week for years? Right? Think about that.”
“In the question of going all in, I think there are some things that you should go all in on. There are others you aren’t.”

“If you can find a niche, your audience is going to be smaller. Your potential audience is smaller, but people that are in that space are going to be much more interested. And the same thing goes for guests.”

“What you’re saying is take time, do it consistently, become an expert, and do it well.”

“Don’t give up if after five episodes you’re struggling. Right? And it can take more than that to get more momentum.”

‘Your network is your net worth. Who you know is able to help you build.”

Concepts -
People consume media in different ways. So if you have a brand, they’ll know you better based on the type of media you use that resonates with them.
Money and fame are not the only things that should motivate you to start doing something.
Podcasting offers a good opportunity to learn and connect with another person in a short period.
Recognize challenges and opportunities. When a door closes, try to figure out creative ways to continue what you love doing.
Observe how people consume media over time. This knowledge can be helpful in finding an opportunity for business.
Your venture might start small, as do most ventures out there, but there’s a lot you can befit from it.
Be clear about the main purpose or goal of the show or business you’re starting.
Consistency is one of the most important things in podcasting, a job, or any other venture you’re involved in.
Keep in mind the amount of work, time, and effort that goes into the things you’re doing. So you can effectively decide whether to go all in or not.
Find a niche and stick with it.
Pay attention to what your audience is saying and commenting. Their feedback can help you find the perfect mix with your podcast.
Repetition helps you become more comfortable with speaking.
Patience is important in growing your podcast as they’re not as discoverable as other forms of content.
You do not need a huge capital or fancy studio equipment to start a podcast. But a decent mic and good cover art are great if you want to put your podcast out there.
Pay no mind to trolls, but listen to audience feedback and workable suggestions (topics, lengths, when to release new episodes.)

Time Stamps -

0:00 Introduction
0:45 Getting into podcasting
4:25 Motivations to start podcasting
6:10 The reason behind
8:10 They’re all saying the same thing
10:36 Evolution of the podcast
12:50 Growing an ecosystem–why you’re starting the show
16:00 Consistency is key
17:45 Growing your business–be a guest
18:50 When to be a guest and when to be a host
19:50 Creating a niche on the show
22:28 Encouraging others to speak
24:40 How do you know if podcasting is for you?
26:00 You need patience and creativity
27:50 Planning for podcast success
31:02 How to know when to put out your show
33:35 When to listen to audience feedback
37:20 What podcasts can do for people

Sources Mentioned -
“Entrepreneurs on Fire” with John Lee Dumas
“My First Million Podcast” with Sam Parr and Shaan Puri

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