A Tribute to Lee Van Cleef

2 years ago

Clarence LeRoy Van Cleef Jr. was an American actor who appeared in over 170 film and television roles in a career spanning nearly 40 years, but is best known as a star of Italian Spaghetti Westerns, particularly the Sergio Leone-directed ‘Dollars’ trilogy of films.

Born: January 9, 1925 in
Somerville, New Jersey, U.S.

Died: December 16, 1989 (aged 64) in Oxnard, California, U.S.

#actor #leevancleef #western #cowboy #gangster #westerns #clinteastwood #leemarvin #sergioleone #themaster #tv #film #angiedickenson #kurtrussell #forafewdollarsmore #fistfullofdollars #thegoodthebadtheugly #escapefromnewyork #movie #tribute #themagnificentseven

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