Live Chat with Paul; -102- GOOFY buys subs+Secureteam10 caught fake accounts+camera Talk+UAP vids

2 years ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #alien #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Camera LEDS and windows + what UFO channels
are very highly suspect of buying + more Orange Orbs if time! + More UAP vids
[00:02:00] (2) Main Topics begins - Paul has fixed the audio issue
and speed of streams again .... Talks and just a preshow check of
[00:10:00] (3) LEDS of camera reflecting of windows. A simple fix and test
to rid on a dome camera. Pauls Baywindow.
[00:23:50] (4) A Power spike from storm causes camera glitches and so Paul resets
them with power off and then shows how to re-align the camera view using
the firmware web server connection.
[00:39:00] (5) Paul talks about the hidden GPU settings of win 10 that overrides
the nvidia controls Selection for which GPU to use Intel or Nvidia. And
Talk about Fan speed control and temp. Mike King said its too hight still
and to trying manual settings. Paul will look more into it later.
[01:04:00] (6) GUFON still attacking Pauls Channel and Cambian so Paul
made a funny clown GUFON for his crazy rant and doxxing and LIES!.
[01:12:00] (7) Sum up GUFONS recent lies and Pauls rebuttal to them
[01:25:00] (8) Core Temps and How to speed up YT with browser plugins
on non chrome and get the old YT classic back!
[01:34:00] (9) GUFON attacks Pauls debunking which again Paul Addresses it and
the lies in it!
[02:01:00] (10) GUFON admits on air he gets paid by thirdphase but denies
being a cheerleader... Paul proves he does both and makes money from both!
[02:07:00] (11) Proof GUFON is getting bought subs and whos behind it
using the Curt shill Live show as a cover story.. BS all again! as no other
person on that show is making 100 new subs a day with no view increase!
[02:14:00] (12) Why Curt is a Ahole for UFOLOGY and didnt reply to me tweets!
EGO or is this PHD trying to build a channel of cash and trash UFOLOGY more
doing so?
[02:18:00] (12b) Paul Plays a clip where 2 Shifts join Curt TOE theory of everything for Critical Review of his show! A PHD cant do proper research of bad people in Ufology
and promote them! WTF!!!
[02:30:00] (13) Proof Tyler of Secureteam10 bought subs and caught faking
attacks with his own troll accounts!
[02:32:00] (13b) Paul uses Lions Ground debunk on Tyler Lies unde Fair Use
for additional commentary!
[02:42:00] (13c) GabberBeastTV finalling joins Paul on voice for the rest of the show.
[02:47:00] (14) Look over some of Thirdphase alleged UFO and Paul solves them
by signatures and pattern matching!
[03:14:00] (15) Gabber brings up antigravity and makes up his own words for it
too funny.. so Paul explains what Tesla found to be flow of energy into atoms
and mass reduction etc.
[03:25:00] (16) clearly a star or sun Balloon with over exposure and shadows
and compression artifacts.
[03:27:00] (17) Exposing the laser ORB hoax of GUFON and that both
hands have something in them!

Paul warps up for the night....

cheers Paul.

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cheers Paul.

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Thanks to the Following

Paul S. (Music)
Free Music Archive (creative commons music)
sometimes other tunes or a mix of 2

ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting

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