i was diagnosed _____, prescribed _____, and now i am BORING

2 years ago

exciting shit over there, a little star on a siloh
i wish it was a cross but we can't always get what we want
i'm so bored w/ society, man
social media set boredom in stone
let's pretend we're in a city
a lotta people pretend they're important
open to the idea that i'm wrong
mundane, lame, uncreative
what are you mad about, amy
fuck you and yer flamboyant ass
i hate ambulances
flashy lights, loud sounds...
actually, a fire engine and THEN an ambulance
do people realize that they're boring?
do people make a conscious choice to be lame
"If you wind up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to your mother, your dad, your priest, to some guy on television, to any of the people telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it."
i never took their advice, that's why i'm happy
there isn't something wrong w/ feeling bad
they all scurry lookin for a makeshift solution
dude just wants his gf to shut up (she won't she's a woman)
women won't stop being dramatic, get used to that shit
isn't that crazy that i'm pretending to be a real girl, hanging clothes in the backseat
pretty bad driver already, regardless of the lighting situation
what if somebody is a worse driver than me, scary shit
that witch's wart tho, enjoy it while it lasts
character is achieved thru eating shit
handle it w/out complaining
you need "help" for having too human an experience
suck yer thumb and play the victim til you die
i tried taking their suggestions, FAIL
most therapists are worthless and now most of em are on the left
psychiatrists don't make you laugh
no sense of humor since they dunno that their whole profession is a joke
personality disorders prove the futility of psychiatry
only the weak minded are "helped" by head doctors
it's just hard to hear is all
they all seem to have the same exact story
trance! people haha
just becuz it's popular don't mean it's good
think whatever you wanna think, don't care
you're messing w/ their comfort level you selfish piece a shit
population control is the point
mental illness...hahaha that's a funny place to randomly stop filming

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