Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: CJ Reviews ... Did Hollywood accidentally make a GOOD movie??

2 years ago


Over the Christmas break, Husband and I took our family to the movies!


We actually all had a good time!

Puss in Boots: The Last Wish was an excellent movie, and one that my whole family managed to enjoy.

Thanks for all the prayers, too; my voice is much more normal this week. 😊


I'm C. S. Johnson and I write original, thought-provoking, fun and meaningful books. As such, I'm a very funny, charming, charismatic individual -- but I am better with words than video, while I'm working on my video skills, check out some of my books and my other fun created things:

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I am the author and I own all the rights to my books.

Also, for this one, I used film directly from the public trailer. Film's not mine, use falls under Fair Use & Copyright Act.

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