December 2021: The Omicron virus proves the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is over

2 years ago

The Omicron virus does not warrant a SARS designation.
There is no material respiratory symptoms associated with this virus.
Data from South Africa, Norway, the USA, and Canada, at a minimum, support this conclusion..
The molecular chemistry of this virus is so remarkably different than SARS-CoV-2 that using the word variant is incorrect. The only similarity is they both contain (a) coronavirus functional group(s).
If this virus was identified in 2018, there would be no lockdowns, no injection mandates, no travel restrictions, no closing of business, and no separating of families
There is no scientific data preventing governments around the world from declaring the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic over.
The first country to do so wins.
They win physically, socially, and economically.


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