I'm Killery! by Michael NightSong

2 years ago

Hit Man!
V.1 :12
I'm Killery! I'm a vicious bitch.
I'm the big 'C' word and a registered witch.
I'm Killery, and I'm still free,
After breakin' every law from A to Z!

V.2 :21
I'm Killery, you mess with me,
I'll suicide ya' before you count to three.
I got to Epstein while he was in jail,
I'm Killery! Hell, I never fail!

Ch.1 :30
Neener, neener you can't catch me,
You can't catch me 'cause I'm Killery
Neener, neener you can't touch me,
I got the Deep State keepin' me free!

V.3 :39
As Secretary of State, I was full of hate,
and I trumped up the story 'bout RussiaGate!
I've offed lots of folks as you will see,
that's why they've nicknamed me, Killery!

Ch.2 :48
Neener, neener you can't catch me,
You can't catch me 'cause I'm Killery
Neener, neener you can't touch me,
'Cause I got the FBI keepin' me free!

V.4 :58
I was FLOTUS once, and I'm rich enough.
And I only kill to save my own butt.
I acted like a Nazi, on handling Bengazi.
But I'm Killery, and got off Scott free!

V.5 1:07
I've offed little kids, I've offed grown men.
I've done it before, and I'll do it again!
The lies I've told are a mile high,
I do it good without blinkin' an eye!

V.6 1:16
So who's her next victim? We shall see!
Maybe it's Robby Mook or maybe even me!
So remember if they ever find me dead,
I'd never put a gun up to my own head!

Ch.3 1:24
Neener, neener you can't catch me,
You can't catch me 'cause I'm Killery
Neener, neener you can't touch me,
The dirt on the Dem's is keepin' me free!

V.7 1:34
I'm kinda sly and I got the FBI
to make my enemies go bye-bye!
So even George Soros and the powers that be,
are scared to death of Billy and me!

Ch.4 1:43
Neener, neener you can't catch me,
You can't catch me 'cause I'm Killery
Neener, neener you can't touch me,
I got the Democrats keepin' me free!

V.8 1:52
Now here's a few folks from my hit list,
I Epstein'd 'em 'cause they got me pissed.
Doctor Stanley Head, well he was found dead.
And Barbara Wise, was no big surprise.

V.9 2:01
They found Robert Kelly, dead on his belly.
And Gary Rhodes? I sent him down the road.
I offed LeBleu, for what he knew.
It was no big thing, to kill Steven Bing

V.10 2:11
And it was no big deal, to off Barry Steele.
Danny Casalaro, he just had to go!
Our friend Vince Foster, he's on the roster.
And it's all over, for poor Paula Grober.

Ch.5 1:43
Neener, neener you can't catch me,
You can't catch me 'cause I'm Killery
Neener, neener you can't touch me,
I got Klaus Schwab that's keepin' me free!

V.11 2:29
I have no guilt and thrive on sin
And I'll do almost anything to win.
Nothin' I do is ever on the level,
'Cause I'm partnership with the Devil.

Ch.6 2:38
Neener, neener you can't catch me,
You can't catch me 'cause I'm Killery
Neener, neener you can't touch me,
I got the Dirt on Billy keepin' me free!

V.1 2:48
My victim list, well it's very long
To long to list in this short song
So here is just the partial list
Forgive me for all the ones I've missed.

V.13 2:56
So here's some more that we Seth Rich'd
Some found at home, some found in a ditch!
I took the lives of both Henry and Ives,
And poor Ron Brown, I put him down.
V.14 3:06
Have a hunch we offed James Bunch?
Y'all knew I slew JFK Jr. too! Right?
Now Steve Willis is no longer with us.
And I said Ha Ha when I offed Gandy Baugh.

Ch.7 3:15
Neener, neener you can't catch me,
You can't catch me 'cause I'm Killery
Neener, neener you can't touch me,
I got George Soros keepin' me free!

V.15 3:24
It won't be long before I try to flee,
I know that Durham's got the goods on me.
I forgot that FISA goes BOTH ways,
and he has built a rock solid case!

Ch.8 3:33
Neener, neener you can't catch me,
You can't catch me 'cause I'm Killery!
But there's one last victim before I go,
gonna hang Middleton and blow a big hole!

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