The minimum wage does more harm than good

2 years ago

We often see left wing middle class people copy and past this nonsense as if it is something they thought rather than copied from another left wing middle class person. They seem to think it makes them look like smart and kind people. In fact it shows them to be often duds. The reality of paying people more and more per hour is you need to put up your costs. Thus the poor end up paying even more for food and goods. It shows how little they care for the poor. Indeed the other result is firms take on less staff or even automate jobs or move jobs outside the UK. So the result is less jobs. So people are worse off being unemployed rather than being in work. Before the minimum wage people seemed to be better off. Before the minimum wage we had jobs such as call Center work in the UK. These days jobs are moved more and more to other countries. Many businesses now buy everything in such as China. Even those who claim it is British made often purchase everything outside the UK then bolt together in the UK to claim they are British made. Of course many left wing middle class people often have non jobs that are paid well and are often too thick to understand that in the real world not everyone can have a well paid non job. In the past firms would take on the youth as appreciates and train them and afterwards they would be offered a well paid job highly qualified. Today because firms have to pay these youths who may quit or once qualified go work for a different business see little point in taking youths on and so many youths now are left unemployed. Even fast food places are trying to become 100% automatic to save on huge wages. So what is the point of a high minimum wage if the result is goods snd service cost more and no one has a job?

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