You Can't Do It By Yourself

2 years ago

Can you do it by yourself? The fighter in me wants to say yeah, I believe you can. Is it 100x harder than having people in your corner who support you and believe in you? Absolutely. Let's be honest, if your working toward something odds are at one point or another you're going to be alone. You're not going to have a group of people cheering you on and telling you that you can do it. You're going to have to find that in yourself. But when the time comes, and it will, when people reach out and offer a helping hand... don't slap it away because you feel like you have to do it all on your own. The journey is going to be hard enough without you trying to make it harder.

Growing Pains with Nicholas Flores #98 - G. Mario Fernandez

#shorts #motivation #keepgoing

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