1-4-2023 Rapture Dream-Counterfeit-ness of Demons, and Jesus Solid in the Sky

2 years ago

the first part I had I dream about the counter Fitness of what the devil does because he wants to be like god. then the next dream which was much longer involved me moving out of my nice house into an apartment that was decorated like a Mexican Villa where one of the family members of a client was the landlord and some co-workers were there on The Concourse of the villa and I decided I wanted to move again because I thought my furniture didn't fit, but it really did fit. I decided, I think, to move anyway, and another coworker showed up and was driving the car. other cars on the other side of the road were jammed, and the lights were all on every light that could be on was on. they were all going down the hill and out of town. We were going into town and we were driving our car normally with like a normal amount of lights and normal space between us inside and outside the car. Suddenly, people started to yell and they were happy and so we looked out and were yelling to the other cars and saw that Jesus was in the sky. The sky and everything in the Earth was Pitch black, jet black and there was subdued colors swirls in the sky and then Jesus appeared solidly in the sky, like a painting that you might see where he's standing the white robe. the message of this is that Jesus is the solid choice and that in the end times we need to come to Jesus so we can have the discernment we need to tell what is real and what is fake. there's more about this dream you know as far as interpretation goes I believe but that was the main idea of it.


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