2 years ago

In this interview with Deron Brunson, we hear where all this began. In his home where the Constitution, law, and his God-given rights were taught and modeled by his parents and where he became impassioned about his freedom.

The Brunson brothers took their knowledge of their RIGHTS forward and together with We the People, are suing to remove the security breach of Congress who refused to do their sworn duty, by their oath of office, to protect this country and ensure safe and free elections. This is a Petition for redress of Grievances, our Constitutional right guaranteed in the 1st Amendment.

• Raland submitted his lawsuit to the Supreme Court based upon Rule 11, which declares this case an emergency before the Supreme Court, who now has full power to adjudicate this case

• Only ¼ of the Congressional members voted for an investigation into the election concerns. The balance of the 388 refused to enforce the “10 day investigation” window as required by Constitutional law.

• The Supreme Court now has the authority and responsibility to uphold our Constitutionally secured rights. They have the authority to completely purge the government of the traitors. Never has there been so much power vested in the Supreme Court.

• In order to hold office, each elected official is required to swear two oaths:
1st: Article VI, Clause 2, Constitution for the united States of America: OATH OF OFFICE
“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution [national] as the supreme Law of the Land.”
2nd , Article VI, Clause 3, Constitution for the united States of America: OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION “And be it further enacted, that every officer and clerk … before he enters upon the execution of his office, take an oath or affirmation before some judge of the United States faithfully and diligently to perform the duties thereof to support this [national] Constitution, that he will “….faithfully discharge the duties of the office which I am about to enter, so Help me GOD.”

• By perjuring their oath, by committing fraud, all elected officials, in this case, Senators and House of Representatives, are warring against the Constitution. Committing treason.

This lawsuit holds the Constitution, the supreme Law of the Land, center stage. This is a case of whether or not the Constitution remains at the center of our country as our God-given voice for our RIGHTS. This is truly the fight of our lives, for whether truth, freedom and justice reign.

Please do your action part:
Supreme Court of the United States,
Case 22-380 Brunson v Adams et al,
1 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20543

And a copy should be sent here
Loy & Raland Brunson
4287 South Harrison Blvd., #132,
Ogden, Utah 84403

To reach Kathleen Dudley:

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