Install and Setup RetroArch on Xbox One, Series X or Series S in RETAIL mode!

2 years ago

Install and Setup RetroArch on Xbox One, Series X or Series S in RETAIL mode!

This works in retail mode and allows you to play a whole load of retro systems on the Xbox using RetroArch!

This is possible thanks to Gamr13, in the video I explain how you will need a couple of links from his Discord server, the link is below. These links do change over time and should not be shared outside of the Discord server, hence why I haven't shared them directly here. Also, check out his other links for more info including options to donate and continue his amazing work.

This updated version of the video shows how to get the links rather than just relying on just the info below.

To get the links follow these simple steps:

1. Join the Discord Server, the link is below (You must be a member to get the links).

2. Goto the "rules" section and make sure read and follow the rules as you don't want to be removed from the server!

3. Goto the "retail-apps-status" section, this will show the current status of the apps, as mentioned they come and go, so you may need to keep checking back until they are available.

4. If the apps are available, go to the "retail-announcements" section, in here you find an announcement which lists all the links, make note of the ones you want, there are many more than just RetroArch and the FTP tool.

5. Now you have the links, watch my video to see how to use them to install the apps on your XBox.

6. Enjoy!

Gamr13: Links


FileZilla Website:

RetroArch Website:


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