Sean McCann on Psyop Cinema 'Liquid Dreams' (1991) film review

2 years ago

On this edition of Psyop Cinema, Brett Carollo is joined by Sean McCann of the Wake the Dead podcast to analyze the cyberpunk erotic thriller. 'Liquid Dreams' (1991), a nearly forgotten midnight movie about a gnostic adrenochrome sex cult deploying DARPA-level MK mind control tech through the entertainment industry. Described by the director as his version of The Wizard of Oz, Liquid Dreams, like The Wizard of Oz, is as an allegory for Hollywood itself—possibly the ultimate Revelation of the Method movie in terms of the film industry’s weaponization of sex and violence to de-pattern mass consciousness and reduce it to raw material at the service of a spiritually psychotic global superclass. With themes which include monarch mind control, human trafficking, adrenochrome extraction, secret societies, ancient transgender cults, trauma based mind control, vampirism, occult fertility rituals, & the unseen truth behind Hollywood & it's process of consuming innocent young women. This film is like no other... Sean & Brett go deep with their exploration of this film & it's themes.
Please enjoy the show...
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