Big tech censorship on social media

2 years ago

As the debate over censorship on social media raged on, many people were growing increasingly frustrated with the power of Big Tech companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Google.

These companies had become the gatekeepers of the internet, controlling what information was allowed to be shared and who was allowed to share it. And many people felt that they were using their power to silence voices and suppress ideas that they disagreed with.

The situation came to a head when several high-profile accounts were banned from Twitter for expressing controversial opinions. The move sparked outrage among users, who saw it as a blatant act of censorship and a violation of free speech.

Protests erupted online and offline, with people taking to the streets and social media to demand that the Big Tech companies be held accountable. They argued that these companies had a responsibility to protect free expression, and that they shouldn't be able to silence voices simply because they didn't agree with them.

As the debate raged on, it became clear that the issue of Big Tech censorship was not going away anytime soon. It was a complex and contentious issue, one that would require careful consideration and thought to resolve.

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